Elmark Automation Value Added Distributor (VAD)

Rugged Experts

Elmark Automation SA, the owner of the Rugged Experts platform, has been operating on the market for over 40 years. Our offer is addressed to resellers and system integrators. We support our partners with special discounts, convenient payment terms, demo stock, project protection, but above all – with our expert knowledge.









Official distributor

Elmark Automatyka S.A. is an official distributor of the industry's leading manufacturers of rugged mobile computing solutions:


  • Getac - rugged notebooks and tablets (CEE territory)
  • Durabook - rugged notebooks and tablets (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania
  • RealWear – industrial grade assisted Reality (aR) head-mounted wearables (aR) (Poland)
  • VUZIX - augmented reality (AR) and assisted reality (aR) head mounted wearables (EMEA territory)




Become an Elmark Automation partner and get access to our B2B Rugged Experts e-commerce platform

It is fully dedicated to rugged, industrial-grade mobile computers and head-worn solutions. Here is a brief summary of the benefits it brings:


  • resale prices
  • advanced product search by keywords and manufacturer's symbols
  • access to stock levels and planned deliveries
  • complete history of your orders
  • access to invoices
  • the ability to preview and execute orders based on offers prepared by our sales department
  • extensive product descriptions, training materials
  • monitoring demo equipment rentals
  • access to the service request handling system

Do not hesitate, register your company and create an account: Create an account



Elmark Automation - Proven solutions for industry





  • Długoletnie doświadczenie


    We have been gaining experience in the industrial solutions market for over 40 years. We are a long-term, proven partner of the European industry. We understand its needs and requirements, which is why we provide only proven solutions.

  • Zaufany partner

    A trusted partner

    In 2024, we completed over 29,000 orders and our turnover exceeded EUR 32 million. It would not be possible without the trust of our clients, an offer tailored to their needs and a team that supports them in their daily work.

  • Silne wartości

    Moral compass

    Honesty and satisfaction of our customers are the most important for us. Working with us, you can be sure about the quality of the presented offer and the fact that it will contain the best solutions for you.

  • Wyspecjalizowany zespół/span>

    Expert team

    We employ specialists - experienced engineers who support our clients at every stage: from the selection of solutions, through their configuration, to solving any problems with the use of the purchased equipment.

  • Duży magazyn


    We consistently invest in our warehouse, so you can count on equipment availability much better than the industry average. And goods from the warehouse are shipped no later than the next working day after placing the order.

  • Własny serwis/span>


    Our own authorized service allows us to shorten the time of warranty repairs to a minimum. Thanks to this, you will receive the necessary support as soon as possible.

  • Sprawdzona oferta

    Proven offer

    We work with market leaders. In our offer you will find the highest quality products that prove their worth every day, working in millions of installations around the world.

  • Centrum wiedzy

    Knowledge Center

    We care about the comfort and education of our clients. We are constantly improving our website and creating content in which we share knowledge about industrial electronics.

  • Znak jakości „Elmatic”

    "Elmatic" seal of quality

    Under the "Elmatic" brand, we deliver reliable device such as Industrial computers, routers, servo drives - all under the sign of the highest quality that will guarantee the implementation of your goals and needs.


Our history


Foundation of the company, design and production of microprocessor controllers



Start of a distribution business



Transformation into a private limited company



Opening of the current headquarters (Warsaw Wesoła)



Opening of the office and training centre (Warsaw Mokotów)



Opening of the main warehouse



Transformation into a joint-stock company



New office and logistics center (Warsaw)



Our team

  • Damian StokowskiDamian Stokowski
  • Dariusz PawłowskiDariusz Pawłowski
  • Marcin JaniszekMarcin Janiszek
  • Radosław PtasińskiRadosław Ptasiński
  • Radosław WielczykRadosław Wielczyk
  • Hubert PosackiHubert Posacki
  • Piotr MłochowskiPiotr Młochowski
  • Mirosław ZwierzyńskiMirosław Zwierzyński
  • Marek OłdakowskiMarek Ołdakowski Rugged Mobile Computers and aR solutions
  • Łukasz SzymczakŁukasz Szymczak
  • Antoni WarszawikAntoni Warszawik
  • Maciej OpiekulskiMaciej Opiekulski
  • Bartosz ŁukasiewiczBartosz Łukasiewicz
  • Przemysław ChaberPrzemysław Chaber
  • Natalia MakowskaNatalia Makowska
  • Alicja DziedzicAlicja Dziedzic
  • Agnieszka SienkiewiczAgnieszka Sienkiewicz
  • Magdalena KisielewskaMagdalena Kisielewska
  • Joanna OłdakowskaJoanna Ołdakowska
  • Paulina JarońPaulina Jaroń
  • Anna MichalikAnna Michalik
  • Edyta DomagałaEdyta Domagała
  • Marek OłdakowskiMarek Ołdakowski Rugged Mobile Computers and aR solutions
  • Bogdan KalińskiBogdan Kaliński Rugged Mobile Computers and aR solutions
  • Kamil GrzeszczakKamil Grzeszczak Military computers
  • Mariusz RozbickiMariusz Rozbicki Assisted reality, Rugged Wearable Computers and Smart Glasses
  • Mateusz KozłowskiMateusz Kozłowski Rugged Mobile Computers
  • Joanna MikołajczykJoanna Mikołajczyk
  • Tomasz GaworTomasz Gawor
  • Grzegorz SołtysGrzegorz Sołtys
  • Paweł PajdowskiPaweł Pajdowski